Thursday, March 1, 2007

Weekly report week 7 (27-feb-07)

a) Today I learn
On the 7th week, we were introduced to the “Rekabentuk Pengajaran” by Mr Sharil. In today’s class, we recall back the definition of Teaching, Learning and the Model of Teaching.
There were two model being highlighted in this class which is commonly use and popular. They are:


There are 5 common steps involve in the process of designing a Model of Teaching. Most of the Teaching Model will have the 5 steps in general:

1st step : Analysis
2nd step : Design
3rd step : Development
4th step : Implementation
5th step : Evaluation

The most important steps from the five listed above is the first because this is where the all the objective and audience for this particular model is being discuss. Besides that, the content of the model, environment of where the model is going to take place, If the model fail to be implemented or it is not according to plan during the implementation stages, the problem could be brought from the analysis stage.
Thus the analysis stages most of the time has to consider the back up plan for the main plan just in case any sudden changes or major changes need to be made when the plan was already at the development of implementation stages.
During the 2nd stage, we will consider the setting of objective using the ABCD approach as below;
A – Audience
B – Behavior
C – Condition
D – Degree

Keller also stated that it is better to set the objective in such a way that it consider the aspect of motivation.


After all of the considerations done with the objective finalize and structure is developed, the implementation is taking place. After the implementation is done, the Evaluation will take place generally through interview, Question and answer to obtain feedback to further improve the model in the future. Sumative and Formative form of evaluation are 2 mode of evaluation that can be use.
The ADDIE model are almost the same as the previous explain model whereby the ASSURE model of teaching involve the below step;

A – Analyze the Learner
S – State Objectives
S – Select Method
U – Utilize Media and Materials
R – Require Learner Participation
E – Evaluate and Revise

As a conclusion, the above model is very important in guiding Teachers to design a model of teaching. This is to make sure that the model can be use to teach and enhance the learning process efficiently.

b) Today I question
Which step is the most critical and important step in the process of constructing the Model of Teaching?

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class
I search for the article and books regarding the Model of teaching especially related to the ARCS, ABCD approach, the ADDIE model and the ASSURE Model of teaching.

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