Thursday, March 8, 2007

Weekly report week 8 (06-Mac-07)

a) Today I learn

On the 7th week, Dr RM came to our class to ask about the progress of our project, how do we feel about the class so far? How good are we doing? During todays class, we were given the opportunity to ask what ever question concerning our project. Mr Sharil will assist us group by group to help us modify our project to be more engaging.
There are some changes on the group assignment, whereby instead of doing integrating IWB in 2 topics in English and 2 topics in mathematics. We are required to produce only 1 topic either mathematics or English. Our group decided to produce and English topics using the IWB.
We were also given the example of the IWB project done by the previous students. Then each group were introduced on how to print a label on a CD instead of just using a marker pen to write down on a CD to label it. Nothing much that we get today because most time is spend to finalize the group assignment and discuss among he group member.

b) Today I question

How to get more sample interactive image to be use in the IWB

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class

I search for the example of IWB image for the IWB project

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