Thursday, March 22, 2007

Weekly report week 10 (20 Mac 2007)

a) What I have Learn?
On the 10th week, class was at Makmal 2, Menara UM at 9.00a.m, class activity given today was on the example of previous students IMB project by Dr RM, then Dr RM recall back the 5 ICT initiatives as shown below

Students activity on adobe photoshop to picture editing, we were introduce to the software by Mr Sharil, The software is version 7, after that we were ask to sit in group to produce a picture which use the adobe photoshop which we have learn to produce a picture of our group, below are the example that we have come out with from Panda group

On the last session, we were given time to discuss on our IWB project.

b) What I Question?
Can we use Adobe Photoshop to create an object which moves?

c) Initiative to find out more on the topics discussed in class

Install the Adobe Photoshop software on my on laptop and play around with it to improve my skills on the software to edit picture. Besides that, I also surf through the internet to find more IWB Software as materials for the IWB Project.

Weekly report week 9 (13-mac-07)

a) Today I learn
On the 9th week, we were introduce to the SchoolNet and TV Pendidikan website which contains a lot of information for teachers and students. However there are a lot of weakness found on this website for those who have seen it, to name a few is grammatical error, spelling error, undeveloped site and some of the address is unavailable and still under development since it was establish few years ago until today. Besides that, the SchoolNet website is also not easy to explore the content because it is much unorganized. Whereas the TV Pendidikan website does not have much information to explore and has the same characteristics as describe before.
This weakness must be overcome in order to invite more people to use both website otherwise it will cause “power down” to teachers and students. Both websites are very important and useful for the Malaysian education to help student and teachers develop their ICT skills and source of information.

On the next session, each group were given one topics to present in the class after a 45 minutes discussion. The topics are as listed below:

  1. Any Topics in the KBSR section from the SchoolNet Website (By EDU-EXP group)

  2. Any Topics in the KBSM Rendah section from the SchoolNet Website (By EDNESTEE – EDU group)

  3. Any Topics in the KBSR Menengah section from the SchoolNet Website (By East teacher group)

  4. Belajar IT section from the SchoolNet Website (By Kreatif Group)

  5. Tahukah anda section from the SchoolNet Website (By moon Group)

  6. Persatuan and kelab section from the SchoolNet Website (By Star Group)

  7. Guru section on model pembelajaran P&P from the SchoolNet Website (By Aufa-Yusra Group)

  8. Sukatan Pelajaran section from the SchoolNet Website (By Carrera Group)

  9. Muat turun section from the TV Pendidikan Website (By Panda Group)

  10. Laman Utama section from the TV Pendidikan Website (By StarUM Group)

Each member in each group was given the evaluation form to evaluate other group to get accurate evaluation on how good each group performance.
Then we Mr Shahril spend around 45 minutes to show us the true story of a teacher who have to go around 350km by river in the Sabah rain forest to teach a primary school students. This movie can be downloaded from the TV Pendidikan Website.
On the last session of the class to conclude, we were ask to post a comments to the webmaster to suggest some improvement which can be make to improve both the Schoolnet and TV Pendidikan Website as well as some comments.

b) Today I question
What can we do to make both website become more organize and easy to access?

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class

I posted a comments to the webmaster to suggest improvement on the SchoolNet and TV Pendidikan Website. Beside that I check each and every section in both website to see any information that will be useful for me to use in the future.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Weekly report week 8 (06-Mac-07)

a) Today I learn

On the 7th week, Dr RM came to our class to ask about the progress of our project, how do we feel about the class so far? How good are we doing? During todays class, we were given the opportunity to ask what ever question concerning our project. Mr Sharil will assist us group by group to help us modify our project to be more engaging.
There are some changes on the group assignment, whereby instead of doing integrating IWB in 2 topics in English and 2 topics in mathematics. We are required to produce only 1 topic either mathematics or English. Our group decided to produce and English topics using the IWB.
We were also given the example of the IWB project done by the previous students. Then each group were introduced on how to print a label on a CD instead of just using a marker pen to write down on a CD to label it. Nothing much that we get today because most time is spend to finalize the group assignment and discuss among he group member.

b) Today I question

How to get more sample interactive image to be use in the IWB

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class

I search for the example of IWB image for the IWB project

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Weekly report week 7 (27-feb-07)

a) Today I learn
On the 7th week, we were introduced to the “Rekabentuk Pengajaran” by Mr Sharil. In today’s class, we recall back the definition of Teaching, Learning and the Model of Teaching.
There were two model being highlighted in this class which is commonly use and popular. They are:


There are 5 common steps involve in the process of designing a Model of Teaching. Most of the Teaching Model will have the 5 steps in general:

1st step : Analysis
2nd step : Design
3rd step : Development
4th step : Implementation
5th step : Evaluation

The most important steps from the five listed above is the first because this is where the all the objective and audience for this particular model is being discuss. Besides that, the content of the model, environment of where the model is going to take place, If the model fail to be implemented or it is not according to plan during the implementation stages, the problem could be brought from the analysis stage.
Thus the analysis stages most of the time has to consider the back up plan for the main plan just in case any sudden changes or major changes need to be made when the plan was already at the development of implementation stages.
During the 2nd stage, we will consider the setting of objective using the ABCD approach as below;
A – Audience
B – Behavior
C – Condition
D – Degree

Keller also stated that it is better to set the objective in such a way that it consider the aspect of motivation.


After all of the considerations done with the objective finalize and structure is developed, the implementation is taking place. After the implementation is done, the Evaluation will take place generally through interview, Question and answer to obtain feedback to further improve the model in the future. Sumative and Formative form of evaluation are 2 mode of evaluation that can be use.
The ADDIE model are almost the same as the previous explain model whereby the ASSURE model of teaching involve the below step;

A – Analyze the Learner
S – State Objectives
S – Select Method
U – Utilize Media and Materials
R – Require Learner Participation
E – Evaluate and Revise

As a conclusion, the above model is very important in guiding Teachers to design a model of teaching. This is to make sure that the model can be use to teach and enhance the learning process efficiently.

b) Today I question
Which step is the most critical and important step in the process of constructing the Model of Teaching?

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class
I search for the article and books regarding the Model of teaching especially related to the ARCS, ABCD approach, the ADDIE model and the ASSURE Model of teaching.

Weekly report for Week 6 (20feb2007)

a) Today I learn

On the 6th week, there was no class due to the Chinese New Year celebration

b) Today I question

No class

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class

No class

Thursday, February 15, 2007

weekly report week 5 (13-feb-07)

a) Today I learn

On the 5th week, during the 1st session of the class, we were being brief and reminded about the 3 assignment; the Web Blogg continuous assignment, IWB Application assignment, and computer lab management assignment. The web blogg assignement should be done continuously every week after a class is done. Each and every activity in the class should be reflected in the blogg in the form of weekly report. For the next assignment, each group should prepare 2 mathematics subject and 2 english subject to be presented with IWB application. For the new assignment, each group must prepare 3 slides on the management of computer lab as well as how to arrange the structure in the computer lab in school.
After that, we were being introduced to the smart notebook software that is use together with the IWBs for Mathematics and English for primary school. This topic is mostly an advance application of IWB compare to the one we already know during the 2nd week lecture session. The example shown was highly interactive and engaging us. For sure the secondary and primary level students will be more interested in the materials, especially the way it is being presented. This will enhance the students understanding on the topics being taught besides engaging them to concentrate during the class. Furthermore, IWB will enhance critical thinking among student and increase the desire to learn because IWB make the situation in the class becomes more interesting.
The IWB session was very interesting whereby each group represented by 1 member called in front to hands on the IWB acting as real primary students in the primary school situation. Besides that, a lot of new functions of IWB are being introduced which for sure will engage the student to what is being taught in the class. Then, we were introduce to the Management of Computer Lab, this is very important for us just in case if we are assign to be person in charge of taking care of the computer lab in the school in the future. During this session, we learn that, the computer lab must be structure after considering several factors such as safety, convenient, security, maintenance, ventilation and so on. 3 group were selected to suggest the layout of a computer lab in using the IWB during this session, the 3 group were Fivestar, Moon and StarUM. StarUM was showing the layout of the computer lab in school nowadays whereby the wiring is installed under the floor. Fivestar and Moon group were showing a much improve layout considering many factors.

Then, each group were given and assignment on three topics about computer lab management;
Suggest a layout for a computer lab (3 group)
Activity that can be done in a computer lab (3 Group)
How to utilize the computer lab by promoting interesting activity that can be done involving the computer lab. (3 Group)

Our group was assign to discuss on assignment 1 which will be presented after Chinese New Year. This assignment must be done in 3 slides only which must include the layout and the rational of selecting a particular layout. Then, each group was given a 30 minutes to discuss in group the assignment given before the class is finish.

b) Today I question

What is the best layout for a computer lab in primary school or secondary school?

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class

I search suggested layout of a computer lab in the internet and compare its advantage to find out which one is the best to be implement in schools nowadays. There were a lot of designs which are available to be selected that can benefit users of the computer lab in many ways.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

weekly report for week 4 - 06feb2007

a) Today I learn

On the 4th week, we are ask to present the few topic regarding the smart school, latest hardware, webpage and standalone software use in the teaching and learning process nowadays in classroom. Each group is required to present a topic whereby 1 topic will be presented by more than 1 group. Below are the required outputs from each topic from each group:

1) Sekolah Bestari (2 Kumpulan)
Nota: Para pelajar diminta untuk mencari maklumat mengenai:
a)Apa itu sekolah bestari?
b) Apa ciri-ciri Sekolah Bestari.
c)Dan maklumat-maklumat yang berkaitan.

2) Perkakasan yang terkini dan boleh digunakan dalam bilik darjah untuk proses P&P (2 Kumpulan)
Nota: Para pelajar diminta untuk mencari maklumat mengenai:
a) Apa nama perkakasan yang terkini yang dipilih?
b) Bagaimana kegunaannya?
c) Dan maklumat-maklumat yang berkaitan.

3) Perisian yang terkini dan boleh digunakan dalam bilik darjah untuk proses P&P
i) Standalone software (2 Kumpulan)
ii) Web-base software (2 Kumpulan)
Nota: Para pelajar diminta untuk mencari maklumat mengenai:
a) Apa nama perisian terkini yang dipilih?
b) Apakah kegunaannya?
c) Dan maklumat-maklumat yang berkaitan.

Each group was given a chance to present their topic within 15 minutes, the presentation was going on well with every group able to present their topic using the Interactive White Board (IWBs). This is very important so that each person will be able to apply the skills in the future when they teach in the real class situation. They sequence of group presentation are as below:

1. Group: Star UM; Topic: Hardware – Interactive White Board
2. Group: Eneslee; Topic: Smart School
3. Group: Edu Exp; Topic: Hot Potatoes Suite
4. Group: 5 Stars; Topic: Geometric SketchPad
5. Group: Carrera; Topic: Geometric SketchPad
6. Group: Kreatif; Topic: Standalone Software – Flash
7. Group: Moon; Topic: Smart School Concept
8. Group: East Teachers; Topic: Hardware - PDA
9. Our Group: Panda; Topic: Hardware – Laptops
10. Group: Aufa Yusra; Topic: Web-base (Dreamweaver)

Then after all the presentation was done, we were given a short lecture by Ms Chin on the Teaching and Learning Science and Mathematics Programme in English (PPSMI). The topic was about activity to improve the efficiency of PPSMI in school by giving full ownership to school, launching the Intervention Programme and by improving any weakness in terms of preparation aspect especially training and equipment.

There are 9 diagnostics action which is very important to facilitate PPSMI in school which currently implemented discuss in the topics as listed below:
1. Diagnostic Test for
- Form 1 – 4 and Primary 4
2. Science and Mathematics Glossary Book implementation
3. PPSMI collaborative inspection to school
4. English orientation programmed for Learning Science and Mathematics
5. PPSMI semi-implementation at National School level 2.
6. State level Teaching and learning seminar
7. English programmed after UPSR
8. English self Learning Package for Teachers
9. Provide information for Principal

There are 8 strategies to improve the efficiency of PPSMI implementation as well as to improve specifically student’s performance in Science and Mathematics.
1. Improve teaching and learning in science and mathematics
n Teachers chance to master English, content and pedagogy through micro teaching
n Exchanging idea about teaching approach for a particular Topic
2. Improve teacher’s skills in English
3. Self - Improvement the English
4. Improve the student’s English
5. Enhance the situation that facilitate the PPSMI
6. Increase the understanding of Science and Mathematics content among students.
7. Increase the Teacher’s and student’s motivation towards PPSMI
8. Inspection of Teaching and Learning in classroom by the important people.

Bertujuan meningkatkan keberkesanan pelaksanaan PPSMI dan secara khusus prestasi murid dalam mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik menjelang PMR tahun 2005

b) Today I question

What is the price of the PDA in the market nowadays, the price will determine how many people will afford to buy this hardware and who will continue to use it? How reliable is the hardware in terms of its lifetime, security, fragility or is it worth buying and be use in the classroom for teaching and learning process?

Another question I ask for another group is about flash as standalone software. Why is it call flash? How many people can use flash in teaching and learning process in classroom? How long does it take to train a personal to at least know how to use this type of standalone software before they could at least apply the very basic of flash application in the class?

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class

I collected the any standalone software and web base software presented by a few group which I thought can be apply in the classroom especially the Geometric sketchpad which can be use in teaching the Mathematic Topic: Loci in two dimension. I downloaded the article regarding the PPSMI from the website “” to explore more on the PPSMI.

Beside that I download more standalone software from the internet which can be use the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The snapshot of the software can be found in the picture attach

1. Standalone software showing concept of fraction:

2.Standalone software showing the concept of angle calculation:

