Thursday, February 15, 2007

weekly report week 5 (13-feb-07)

a) Today I learn

On the 5th week, during the 1st session of the class, we were being brief and reminded about the 3 assignment; the Web Blogg continuous assignment, IWB Application assignment, and computer lab management assignment. The web blogg assignement should be done continuously every week after a class is done. Each and every activity in the class should be reflected in the blogg in the form of weekly report. For the next assignment, each group should prepare 2 mathematics subject and 2 english subject to be presented with IWB application. For the new assignment, each group must prepare 3 slides on the management of computer lab as well as how to arrange the structure in the computer lab in school.
After that, we were being introduced to the smart notebook software that is use together with the IWBs for Mathematics and English for primary school. This topic is mostly an advance application of IWB compare to the one we already know during the 2nd week lecture session. The example shown was highly interactive and engaging us. For sure the secondary and primary level students will be more interested in the materials, especially the way it is being presented. This will enhance the students understanding on the topics being taught besides engaging them to concentrate during the class. Furthermore, IWB will enhance critical thinking among student and increase the desire to learn because IWB make the situation in the class becomes more interesting.
The IWB session was very interesting whereby each group represented by 1 member called in front to hands on the IWB acting as real primary students in the primary school situation. Besides that, a lot of new functions of IWB are being introduced which for sure will engage the student to what is being taught in the class. Then, we were introduce to the Management of Computer Lab, this is very important for us just in case if we are assign to be person in charge of taking care of the computer lab in the school in the future. During this session, we learn that, the computer lab must be structure after considering several factors such as safety, convenient, security, maintenance, ventilation and so on. 3 group were selected to suggest the layout of a computer lab in using the IWB during this session, the 3 group were Fivestar, Moon and StarUM. StarUM was showing the layout of the computer lab in school nowadays whereby the wiring is installed under the floor. Fivestar and Moon group were showing a much improve layout considering many factors.

Then, each group were given and assignment on three topics about computer lab management;
Suggest a layout for a computer lab (3 group)
Activity that can be done in a computer lab (3 Group)
How to utilize the computer lab by promoting interesting activity that can be done involving the computer lab. (3 Group)

Our group was assign to discuss on assignment 1 which will be presented after Chinese New Year. This assignment must be done in 3 slides only which must include the layout and the rational of selecting a particular layout. Then, each group was given a 30 minutes to discuss in group the assignment given before the class is finish.

b) Today I question

What is the best layout for a computer lab in primary school or secondary school?

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class

I search suggested layout of a computer lab in the internet and compare its advantage to find out which one is the best to be implement in schools nowadays. There were a lot of designs which are available to be selected that can benefit users of the computer lab in many ways.

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