Wednesday, February 7, 2007

weekly report for week 4 - 06feb2007

a) Today I learn

On the 4th week, we are ask to present the few topic regarding the smart school, latest hardware, webpage and standalone software use in the teaching and learning process nowadays in classroom. Each group is required to present a topic whereby 1 topic will be presented by more than 1 group. Below are the required outputs from each topic from each group:

1) Sekolah Bestari (2 Kumpulan)
Nota: Para pelajar diminta untuk mencari maklumat mengenai:
a)Apa itu sekolah bestari?
b) Apa ciri-ciri Sekolah Bestari.
c)Dan maklumat-maklumat yang berkaitan.

2) Perkakasan yang terkini dan boleh digunakan dalam bilik darjah untuk proses P&P (2 Kumpulan)
Nota: Para pelajar diminta untuk mencari maklumat mengenai:
a) Apa nama perkakasan yang terkini yang dipilih?
b) Bagaimana kegunaannya?
c) Dan maklumat-maklumat yang berkaitan.

3) Perisian yang terkini dan boleh digunakan dalam bilik darjah untuk proses P&P
i) Standalone software (2 Kumpulan)
ii) Web-base software (2 Kumpulan)
Nota: Para pelajar diminta untuk mencari maklumat mengenai:
a) Apa nama perisian terkini yang dipilih?
b) Apakah kegunaannya?
c) Dan maklumat-maklumat yang berkaitan.

Each group was given a chance to present their topic within 15 minutes, the presentation was going on well with every group able to present their topic using the Interactive White Board (IWBs). This is very important so that each person will be able to apply the skills in the future when they teach in the real class situation. They sequence of group presentation are as below:

1. Group: Star UM; Topic: Hardware – Interactive White Board
2. Group: Eneslee; Topic: Smart School
3. Group: Edu Exp; Topic: Hot Potatoes Suite
4. Group: 5 Stars; Topic: Geometric SketchPad
5. Group: Carrera; Topic: Geometric SketchPad
6. Group: Kreatif; Topic: Standalone Software – Flash
7. Group: Moon; Topic: Smart School Concept
8. Group: East Teachers; Topic: Hardware - PDA
9. Our Group: Panda; Topic: Hardware – Laptops
10. Group: Aufa Yusra; Topic: Web-base (Dreamweaver)

Then after all the presentation was done, we were given a short lecture by Ms Chin on the Teaching and Learning Science and Mathematics Programme in English (PPSMI). The topic was about activity to improve the efficiency of PPSMI in school by giving full ownership to school, launching the Intervention Programme and by improving any weakness in terms of preparation aspect especially training and equipment.

There are 9 diagnostics action which is very important to facilitate PPSMI in school which currently implemented discuss in the topics as listed below:
1. Diagnostic Test for
- Form 1 – 4 and Primary 4
2. Science and Mathematics Glossary Book implementation
3. PPSMI collaborative inspection to school
4. English orientation programmed for Learning Science and Mathematics
5. PPSMI semi-implementation at National School level 2.
6. State level Teaching and learning seminar
7. English programmed after UPSR
8. English self Learning Package for Teachers
9. Provide information for Principal

There are 8 strategies to improve the efficiency of PPSMI implementation as well as to improve specifically student’s performance in Science and Mathematics.
1. Improve teaching and learning in science and mathematics
n Teachers chance to master English, content and pedagogy through micro teaching
n Exchanging idea about teaching approach for a particular Topic
2. Improve teacher’s skills in English
3. Self - Improvement the English
4. Improve the student’s English
5. Enhance the situation that facilitate the PPSMI
6. Increase the understanding of Science and Mathematics content among students.
7. Increase the Teacher’s and student’s motivation towards PPSMI
8. Inspection of Teaching and Learning in classroom by the important people.

Bertujuan meningkatkan keberkesanan pelaksanaan PPSMI dan secara khusus prestasi murid dalam mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik menjelang PMR tahun 2005

b) Today I question

What is the price of the PDA in the market nowadays, the price will determine how many people will afford to buy this hardware and who will continue to use it? How reliable is the hardware in terms of its lifetime, security, fragility or is it worth buying and be use in the classroom for teaching and learning process?

Another question I ask for another group is about flash as standalone software. Why is it call flash? How many people can use flash in teaching and learning process in classroom? How long does it take to train a personal to at least know how to use this type of standalone software before they could at least apply the very basic of flash application in the class?

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class

I collected the any standalone software and web base software presented by a few group which I thought can be apply in the classroom especially the Geometric sketchpad which can be use in teaching the Mathematic Topic: Loci in two dimension. I downloaded the article regarding the PPSMI from the website “” to explore more on the PPSMI.

Beside that I download more standalone software from the internet which can be use the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The snapshot of the software can be found in the picture attach

1. Standalone software showing concept of fraction:

2.Standalone software showing the concept of angle calculation:

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