Friday, February 2, 2007

Weekly report for Week 2_23th January 07

a) Today I learn

On the 2nd week, we learn the topic “Thinking of the Future ICT Scenarios”. This topic was given during the 1st week lecture, but reviewed again on the second week due to few students still couldn’t make it to attend the 1st class. Some agenda highlighted in this topic are
Engaging learners
Personalized learning
New pedagogy – PoEIT and
New Tool - IWB

The ICT scenarios being discuss here is focusing on the people who use the ICT tools, what they do with it and how they do it. It is a matter of how well we facilitated the learning process to “ENGAGE” the student involve in the two way learning process and not “ENRAGE” the students, which means making the students loose concentration on what is being taught. The Pedagogy of Engagement Integrated Techology learning stated the “know IT, PoEIT and SEEIT”.

Then, we were introduce to the “Class Seedwiki” and the term Free Online Group or also known as “Frog”where teachers can share their notes or even conduct a class through online using a website provided for free. The website provides a medium for students to share their knowledge among themselves and teachers can access and assess their assignment online. Clearly, the management is much improves through paperless documents.

On the next section of the class, we introduced to the Interactive White Board or commonly known as the IWB. It was first introduce in 60% of Primary Schools at United Kingdom. Here we will see the role of teachers change from providers to facilitator providing the ways to retrieve information instead of giving information.

There are four confidences to use ICT to support the curriculum:

Subject knowledge – knowing what to teach
The way to teach – knowing how to structure the lessons, and what interactions to build in the lesson, especially when using the IWB.
Attitude - knowing that it is OK to make mistakes – NO FEAR
Fluency in the use of ICT - learning one good skill then moves on and keeps learning new ones. (Kelly, 2005)

5 distinct phases that teachers are adopting the IWB


If IWBs is successfully utilize, we will see teachers will
• moving away from the materials provided to them
• developing their own in partnership with other teachers.
• creating resources in the classroom with the pupils
• modeling high quality conversations with the use of IWB.

Whereby students will
• happy to talk about IWB,
• learning is fun and the pace of the lesson is faster.
• like the visibility
• they can see what is going on in the class
• like the fact that they get more time with the teachers.

Therefore, creative teaching requires that teachers have secure subject knowledge and effective pedagogy and ICT can add flexibility, innovation and creativity to teaching and learning.

On the final section of the class, we were being expose to the Digital camera, how to operate the camera and some introduction on its main component. Every one is given a chance to take a picture using the camera. After doe with the camera session, we were being introduced to the Interactive White Board (IWB), how to use it, the general function of the IWB. After that, we were taught on how to set up the presentation equipment, the laptops, projector as well as the printer. We were also given the homework where everyone is assign to download a driver for a printer.

b) Today I question

I ask 2 question today:
What is the latest hardware use in Teaching at school nowadays besides interactive white boards?
How to create a personal Blogging?

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class
My initiative to find more information on the topics in the class is by going through the articles on The Use of Interactive Whiteboards in Schools. Besides that I also download few articles regarding the use of IWBs and how to fully utilize it.

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