Friday, February 2, 2007

Weekly report for Week 3_30th January 07

a) Today I learn

On the 3rd week, we are asked to present on how to download a driver from the internet if the CD containing the driver is lost. Basically this presentation is to test our knowledge on presentation skill by integrating the knowledge that we learn on the 1st and 2nd week on the Interactive White Board. Each team was also given a chance to evaluate other group’s presentation and comments on the presentation. This will help the group that doing the evaluation improves their own presentation skill in the future after doing the evaluation. After that, we were being introduced to the Smart School.

Smart School, one of the main focuses in the Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan (PIPP) for Rancangan Malaysia Ke-9 whereby teachers will need to change their role in the electronic classroom. They are no longer providing information but becoming counsellors in helping the students selecting information sources and make judgements about what the students are downloading. This is because high tech requires high touch as the key to success in the Information Age will be making the right judgements of which information is useful. The new education system will encourage our citizen to learn how to learn.

Today the Smart School will be remodeled in such a way that they will be able to access the SchoolNet. With the ability to connect to the SchoolNet, it is hope that management and administration of smart school is much improved.

The implementation of Smart School is a process to achieve the vision of the country’s education by providing ICT for schools, ability of teachers to integrate ICT in the daily teaching processes and improving the management in school with the use of ICT. Several main Components of Smart Schools were also being highlighted. The objective of the Smart School has a wide scope; to name a few is to produce students with knowledge in technology and improves the skills in all aspects of life.

The Main focus of Smart School is to combine the knowledge of teachers and students in ICT to produce self knowledge in ICT. The 3 main components needed in the smart schools are the Wetware, Courseware and Hardware. During the lecture, we were given the National Blueprint Book regarding the Smart School Implementation. One of the Courseware is the teaching Science and Mathematics in English or PPSMI. Whereby Wetware means, teacher need to have knowledge on the ICT. Hardware are like the computer lab, SchoolNet and so on.

b) Today I question

What is the latest hardware use in Teaching at school nowadays besides interactive white boards?

c) Your initiative to find more information on the topics discussed in the class
I download the “Konsep Pembestarian sekolah” file from the Dip Ed Yahoo Groups and explore more to understand the concept of Smart school. Besides that, I also download the “Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan” article and access the SchoolNet website.

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